The easiest way to find and do business with us

Our business name is 
Bugis Store Trading Pte Ltd
UEN: 200304369M

Address of Bugis outlet

 Blk 270 Queen Street #03- 44, Albert Centre S180270 ( It is actually the Hawker Centre next to Bugis Village)

Getting to Bugis: 
We are just 5 mins walk from Bugis MRT Station(EW12/DT11) and Bencoolen MRT Station. 10 mins walk from Little India Station. (NEL) or Bras Basah Station or Rochor Station. If you drive, there's a basement parking but be forewarned that it is a hot favourite especially on Sundays and  Public Holidays. 

Address of Chinatown outlet

Blk 334 Kreta Ayer Road #03-13 S080334 (Next to Kreta Ayer People's Theatre) 

Nearest MRT will be Outram MRT where you exit from Dorset Hotel exit and its a leisurely 5 mins walk from Blk 334. Basement parking under Blk 334 or nearby Oriental Plaza  
(Visit for location map)

No, we are not in this red building, but...
If you are in Bugis Area
Take the lift opposite this red building next to bugis+ to the 3rd floor and make double left turn to find us.

Bugis: or


Google+ :
Bugis: Bugis Store Trading Pte Ltd

Chinatown: Leathertechnic

Use google map in facebook or google+ to zero-in on us and like us at the same time. 


Please do come in casual comfortable clothing and full payment for services is required, cash/NETs in advance only. We do apologize for not being able to accept visa.

AND empty your bag before coming. We will not be held responsible for any claim of lost items and it's definitely easier to work on an empty bag.

Ladies may like to know that we use a giant industrial fan to keep the Bugis outlet cool so..... ..........Or make an appointment to visit us at Chinatown in cool aircon comfort.

It will also definitely help if you refrain from asking probing questions  or ask to see the hardware, less you will be treated like an aspiring amateur or a clueless DIY enthusiast or worst, an industrial spy, all of which are not on the top of our welcome list.

We are on the right of this busy path. Fu Lu Shou Complex is on the left. 
X'mas decor at Bugis Junction, just mins. stroll from our location.

Bugis Village night scene shot from location.
